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Peter Hübner
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Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: With the mentioned disastrous consequences of a world shaken by countless crises.

The reason behind it for the GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH GROUP OF COMPANIES – which without doubt stands also for all other materialistically orientated organisations of power politics –, is possibly a very simple one:

Since its origin the German Lutheran Church is fixated on shocking the representatives of the Catholic Church – which, after all, historically, if also obviously not spiritually, is its mother church – wherever it can, to harm them in public with seemingly modern successes of “supposed more liberal thinking” and to drive them out of the lucrative, multi-billion market of church tax money.

PETER HUEBNER: But meanwhile the shot backfires there and the herd runs away from the German Lutheran Church in their hundred thousands.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: And also no rock and pop music helps the German Lutheran Church here anymore, which it applies hypocritically via its multilateral Bertelsmann-Concern, in order to produce chaos within the youths for an assumed feeling of greater freedom.

PETER HUEBNER: Also here it is not worth holding some people responsible. It is the pressure of an institution to succeed materialistically – be it now as a church like the German Lutheran Church or also scientifically like at the universities –, which drives all of them, in the context of the first three main states of consciousness, very naturally to such limited ideologies and narrow measures – up to the blind fighting against all methods of development of consciousness.

And at the same time this church, next to the egoistic materialistic power politics and greed for money, is still, via its material influence, at the service of narrow-minded specialists’ blind ambition.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: You mean here the blind ambition of narrow-minded specialists in the field of science, for whom not primarily knowledge and truth is important, but satisfying very small personal needs like ambition, craving for admiration and connected to it: titles and offices.

PETER HUEBNER: From which the broad majority of the scientists, who never in their life creates just one original thought, lives so exclusively. In his “Inaugural Academic Address” at the University of Jena Schiller commented on it very strikingly – I do not need to add here anything.
“The bread-scientist makes a fence
against all his neighbours,
whom he begrudges jealously light and sun,
and full of worry he guards the dilapidated barrier,
which protects him only weakly
against triumphing reason.”
Friedrich Schiller
In the inaugural address of his
historic lectures at the University of Jena
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: Thus the church still today in the age of “freedom of science, research and teaching” keeps many scientists and researchers in their materialistically orientated bridle, as in medieval times.

Bridle with fast pulls and
small freedom of tongue,
without chain.
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PETER HUEBNER: The answer of the free will to this entire blind zeal is: scientific investigation into and utilisation of the higher states of consciousness, even if this brazenly leads away from blind modern atheism to the sources of nature – as we find this in particular with the greatest scientists, too – and ends in a strengthening of a true religious attitude towards life, also totally beyond a church like the atheist German Lutheran Church for instance.
“Among thinking heads there is a heartfelt commonwealth
of all goods of the spirit,
what One acquires in the realm of truth,
he has won for All.”
Friedrich Schiller
In the inaugural address of his
historic lectures at the University of Jena
Therefore it was important for me, to strike out a little bit here with my explanations concerning brain and consciousness and also to inspire you, or the GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM, to seek for the opinion of the great thinkers of mankind in this matter – for putting corresponding statements of the great thinkers of mankind at the side of this interview.
“To every merit there is opened up a path to immortality,
to true immortality, I mean,
where the deed lives and hurries on,
even if the name of its author
may stay behind.”
Friedrich Schiller
In the inaugural address of his
historic lectures at the University of Jena
In regard to the great minds and developments the individual scientist ruled by the limited Zeitgeist can very well recede a little bit to the background: he sees – there are already names here and new ones will be added.
“That opinion will triumph
which has to offer
the higher satisfaction to the mind
and the greater bliss
to the heart.”
Friedrich Schiller
In the inaugural address of his
historic lectures at the University of Jena
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: But one thing still needs a little examination here – it is the aspect of the “free will”, which you already mentioned two times in our talk here and to which you obviously attribute a great importance for changing the conditions in science as also in the world.
These basic considerations are not new, after all, as they perhaps are the basis for all responsible action. And particularly in modern science the fight for these existential values flared up very fiercely.

PETER HUEBNER: Maybe we should consider this theme at another occasion – in a new interview.
Certainly this examination of the free will concerns also the world of the neurophysiologists and the brain, but I am afraid, in general such an examination is asking too much of them – after all: the greatest minds of history have dealt with it already, up to our present day.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: Alright – they have to chew and digest already enough with the examinations so far concerning the mentioned neurophysiological investigations.
What then would be the next theme?

PETER HUEBNER: The free will.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: With relativity theory and quantum theory determinism and free will stand front to front irreconcilably. Everybody who is anybody in physics tries to crack this nut and to weld those two great pillars of modern physics together into one theory – in doing this the scientists hope to find the “world formula”.

Already Heisenberg believed in 1958 to be at the goal, but his theory was a disgrace, it never found any recognition amongst his colleagues.
Also Einstein devoted the last three decades of his life to this great work of unification.
So – the theme goes: determinism and free will – the world formula?

PETER HUEBNER: Maybe: “Free will, determinism and perhaps also the world formula – under the view point of higher states of consciousness.”

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: For this I will have to prepare myself very good.

Mr. Huebner, we thank you for this conversation.
Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
Sleep Disorders
RRR 106 Sleep Disorders
RRR 931
RRR 933
RRR 934
RRR 940
RRR 951
RRR 136
RRR 105
RRR 102

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it will lead you to the scientific research.